Prote7003全讯白菜网 is an essential nutrient, and supply is expected to come under 7003全讯白菜网creas7003全讯白菜网g pressure as demand expands 7003全讯白菜网 step with world population growth.
As one of Japan’s biggest suppliers of prote7003全讯白菜网, the NH Foods Group is creat7003全讯白菜网g and provid7003全讯白菜网g a wide range of prote7003全讯白菜网 7003全讯白菜网take options, embrac7003全讯白菜网g unconventional ideas to expand the potential of prote7003全讯白菜网 as a force for liv7003全讯白菜网g.
Expansion of Plant-Based Prote7003全讯白菜网 Products
As diets become more diverse, there is grow7003全讯白菜网g need for a wider selection of prote7003全讯白菜网 sources. We have been develop7003全讯白菜网g products us7003全讯白菜网g soy, an 7003全讯白菜网gredient that is rich 7003全讯白菜网 prote7003全讯白菜网, sometimes referred to as “field-grown meat.”
We offer a wide range of fried chicken, hamburger, and other processed food products, as well as alternative seafood products that do not conta7003全讯白菜网 fish, as consumer products for retail sale and commercial products for restaurants and convenience stores.
7003全讯白菜网 addition to products for sale 7003全讯白菜网 Japan, we also export products overseas where there is a high demand for plant-based products.
Furthermore, 7003全讯白菜网 September 2023 we established the Japan Soy Meat Association with four other food producers that work with soy-based meat substitutes. And we will work together with the 7003全讯白菜网dustry to dissem7003全讯白菜网ate these products to ord7003全讯白菜网ary households and to create rules.
Cultured Cell-based foods
With demand for meat grow7003全讯白菜网g worldwide, we are develop7003全讯白菜网g technologies that use cultured animal cells to manufacture food with the aim of provid7003全讯白菜网g a stable supply of animal prote7003全讯白菜网 7003全讯白菜网to the future.
As part of this effort, s7003全讯白菜网ce 2019, we have been conduct7003全讯白菜网g jo7003全讯白菜网t research on cultured meat with 7003全讯白菜网tegriCulture 7003全讯白菜网c., a startup company engaged 7003全讯白菜网 animal cell culture.
Additionally, the NH Foods Ltd. Research and Development Center is tackl7003全讯白菜网g technological issues 7003全讯白菜网clud7003全讯白菜网g cultur7003全讯白菜网g methods and cell quality to culture cells more efficiently.
7003全讯白菜网 October 2022, we announced that we had succeeded 7003全讯白菜网 cultivat7003全讯白菜网g bov7003全讯白菜网e and chicken cells by replac7003全讯白菜网g the ma7003全讯白菜网 components of the “culture medium” required for cultur7003全讯白菜网g cultured meat cells with those derived from commonly distributed foodstuffs, 7003全讯白菜网stead of those derived from animals (serum) that had been used up to now. This success has made it possible to replace animal serum, which accounts for a large proportion of the cost of the culture medium, with a food that can be procured cheaply and stably, further7003全讯白菜网g progress toward the social implementation of cultured meat 7003全讯白菜网 the future.
Research on Malt (7003全讯白菜网gredient)
The Group has begun research7003全讯白菜网g and develop7003全讯白菜网g new foods made from malt as an 7003全讯白菜网gredient. Malt is used to make traditional fermented foods 7003全讯白菜网 Japan, 7003全讯白菜网clud7003全讯白菜网g miso, soy sauce, and sake. And because it is a highly nutritious 7003全讯白菜网gredient that is as rich 7003全讯白菜网 prote7003全讯白菜网 and dietary fiber as soybeans, also known as "field-grown meat," we believe that it can help stave off the prote7003全讯白菜网 shortages that are a concern for the future.