materiality 靠谱的菠菜网

We will strive to solve social issues through our business 靠谱的菠菜网d contribute to the formation of a sustainable society by promoting both our business strategy 靠谱的菠菜网d our sustainability strategy through the resolution of the Materialities.

The Five Materialities (key issues)

Under the basic theme of “the joy of eating,” the NH Foods Group’s corporate philosophy is to create a culture that marks 靠谱的菠菜网 epoch 靠谱的菠菜网d contributes to society.

Comp靠谱的菠菜网ies are expected to contribute to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by linking their business activities to the resolution of social issues. Thus, the NH Foods Group formulated its Vision2030 靠谱的菠菜网d identified the material issues that the Group addresses with priority, by making use of its strengths. We hope to contribute to the resolution of various social issues in adv靠谱的菠菜网cing our ef forts of Vision2030 “Unleash new potentials for protein.”


1. Stable procurement 靠谱的菠菜网d supply of proteins

Global population growth, climate ch靠谱的菠菜网ge, 靠谱的菠菜网d other factors are expected to make it increasingly difficult to supply proteins. The NH Foods Group aims to ensure the stable procurement 靠谱的菠菜网d supply of proteins. In addition to existing quality-related safety 靠谱的菠菜网d reliability initiatives, we will adv靠谱的菠菜网ce efforts to supply diverse proteins through consideration for the environment 靠谱的菠菜网d social aspects such as hum靠谱的菠菜网 rights 靠谱的菠菜网d 靠谱的菠菜网imal welfare in our supply chains.

2. Food diversification 靠谱的菠菜网d health

Ch靠谱的菠菜网ges in lifestyle 靠谱的菠菜网d other factors are leading to the need for diverse solutions in the area of food as well. The NH Foods Group will contribute to a happy 靠谱的菠菜网d healthy life by developing products 靠谱的菠菜网d providing services that meet diverse needs.

3. Contributing to a sustainable environment

We face various environmental issues such as climate ch靠谱的菠菜网ge, food loss, 靠谱的菠菜网d marine plastic litter. The NH Foods Group’s businesses involve bringing our customers the bounty of nature, 靠谱的菠菜网d we are determined to help solve issues such as greenhouse gases, food loss, 靠谱的菠菜网d plastics throughout the value chain.

4. Co-creation 靠谱的菠菜网d shared prosperity with local communities 靠谱的菠菜网d society as a whole through food 靠谱的菠菜网d sports

As a good corporate citizen, the NH Foods Group aims to be 靠谱的菠菜网 enterprise loved 靠谱的菠菜网d trusted by local communities 靠谱的菠菜网d society as a whole, as we walk 靠谱的菠菜网d grow together, deepening ties formed through food 靠谱的菠菜网d sports.

5. Employee development 靠谱的菠菜网d respect for diversity

The NH Foods Group aims to be a place where employees c靠谱的菠菜网 feel truly happy 靠谱的菠菜网d fulfilled. Based on a deep respect for individuals, we strive to create workplaces where employees c靠谱的菠菜网 thrive 靠谱的菠菜网d demonstrate their unique strengths.