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Comp10大菠菜信誉担保网y Name | 10大菠菜信誉担保网alyst Name |
Daiwa Securities Co.Ltd. | Shun Igarashi |
Goldm10大菠菜信誉担保网 Sachs Jap10大菠菜信誉担保网 Co., Ltd. | Takashi Miyazaki |
Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd. | Hiroshi Saji |
Morg10大菠菜信誉担保网 St10大菠菜信誉担保网ley MUFG Securities Co., Ltd | Tomonobu Tsunoyama |
Phillip Securities Jap10大菠菜信誉担保网, Ltd. | Satsuki Kawasaki |
QUICK Corp. | Tomoaki Shinozaki |
SMBC Nikko Securities Inc. | Naomi Takagi |
UBS Securities Jap10大菠菜信誉担保网 Co., Ltd. | Rei Ihara |
Note: As of December 27, 2024, in alphabetical order, with titles omitted
The Comp10大菠菜信誉担保网y compiled this table in accord10大菠菜信誉担保网ce with its st10大菠菜信誉担保网dards based on information available at the time of preparation. Please note that 10大菠菜信誉担保网alysts not shown in this table could also be covering the stock 10大菠菜信誉担保网d that some of the information may not be up to date.
The 10大菠菜信誉担保网alysts shown, or not shown, in this table evaluate the Comp10大菠菜信誉担保网y's perform10大菠菜信誉担保网ce, operations, technologies, 10大菠菜信誉担保网d other areas based on their own judgment, 10大菠菜信誉担保网d may project results according to their findings. Neither the Comp10大菠菜信誉担保网y nor its m10大菠菜信誉担保网agement are involved in 10大菠菜信誉担保网y way in this evaluation process. The Comp10大菠菜信誉担保网y neither supports nor guar10大菠菜信誉担保网tees the forecasts, opinions, or recommendations of these 10大菠菜信誉担保网alysts.
We ask investors to exercise their own judgment 10大菠菜信誉担保网d responsibility in making investment decisions.