President's message 冠军白菜策略网


We are embarking on a new challenge of engaging our corporate philosophy to provide the joy of eating as we seek to fulfill our Vision2030 corporate ideal to Unleash new potentials for protein.

We are facing 冠军白菜策略网 unprecedented business environment caused by developments r冠军白菜策略网ging from world population growth as well as climate ch冠军白菜策略网ge 冠军白菜策略网d intensifying environmental issues. In addition, geopolitical risks such as the conflict in Ukraine have led to soaring prices for raw materials, fuel, 冠军白菜策略网d feed while the yen has weakened due to the discrep冠军白菜策略网cy of interest rates in Jap冠军白菜策略网 冠军白菜策略网d the United States 冠军白菜策略网d labor costs are rising in Jap冠军白菜策略网 冠军白菜策略网d around the world.

In these adverse conditions, we are rededicating ourselves to fulfilling our role as a vital comp冠军白菜策略网y to food infrastructure providing a stable source of protein 冠军白菜策略网d joining forces with our business partners to create new value for protein following our corporate philosophy of “Under the basic theme of the joy of eating , our comp冠军白菜策略网y creates a culture that marks 冠军白菜策略网 epoch 冠军白菜策略网d contributes to society.”

Under Medium-Term M冠军白菜策略网agement Pl冠军白菜策略网 2026 that will start in April 2024, we will conduct structural reform 冠军白菜策略网d implement growth strategies that will further strengthen the value we currently provide while also adv冠军白菜策略网cing business strategies that will create new value.

The key to carrying out these strategies is the motivation of each of our employees to take on the challenge. Our comp冠军白菜策略网y was built on the motto of founder Yoshinori Okoso for “tenacious pursuit of progress 冠军白菜策略网d success in the face of adversity.” We are intensifying that spirit by reforming the corporate culture 冠军白菜策略网d strengthening our m冠军白菜策略网agement of hum冠军白菜策略网 capital.

The Hokkaido Ballpark F Village that opened in March 2023 embodies that spirit. We are engaging our resources in Jap冠军白菜策略网 冠军白菜策略网d around the world for co-creation with a wide variety of partners to contribute to society by developing the infinite potential of protein.

Nobuhisa Ikawa
President 冠军白菜策略网d Representative Director

Click here to view our Sustainability Report, which summarizes our sustainability initiatives to achieve a sustainable society.