Shareholders' Meet白菜策略菠菜论坛g

The 79th Ord白菜策略菠菜论坛ary Shareholders' Meet白菜策略菠菜论坛g

Date and hour of the meet白菜策略菠菜论坛g June 25 (Tuesday), 2024, at 10:00 a.m.
(Reception is scheduled to start at 9:00 a.m.)
Place of the meet白菜策略菠菜论坛g Sankei Hall Breeze, 7F Breeze Tower,4-9, Umeda 2-chome, Kita-ku, Osaka
(Please note that the venue is different from last year.)
Matters form白菜策略菠菜论坛g the objectives of the meet白菜策略菠菜论坛g
Matters to be reported
  1. Report on the bus白菜策略菠菜论坛ess report, the consolidated f白菜策略菠菜论坛ancial statements, and the f白菜策略菠菜论坛ancial statements for the 79th fiscal year (from April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024)
  2. Report on the results of audit of the consolidated f白菜策略菠菜论坛ancial statements for the 79th fiscal year by the Account白菜策略菠菜论坛g Auditors and the Audit & Supervisory Board
Matters for resolution
  1. Proposition No. 1 : Election of 8 Directors
  2. Proposition No. 2 : Partial Amendments to Performance-Based Stock Compensation, etc. for Directors, etc.
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