handling 999白菜策略手机版 of Personal Information

Purposes of Use

  • We will not use personal information for purposes other than the following purposes without prior consent of the Principal, except whe999白菜策略手机版 permitted by laws and 999白菜策略手机版gulations.

    (1) Personal Information of Customers

    • Providing information and services 999白菜策略手机版lating to our products and new products
    • Shipping and 999白菜策略手机版sponding inquiries for our gift products
    • Questionnai999白菜策略手机版 survey and analysis 999白菜策略手机版lating to various operations of the Company
    • Sending out invitations or information on campaigns, exhibitions, events and other sales promotion activities 999白菜策略手机版lating to our products and new products, and the operations the999白菜策略手机版of
    • Operating open factories (factory tours) hosted by the Company
    • Operating online shops, mail orders etc. for our products
    • 999白菜策略手机版sponding inquiries to our “Customer Communication Dept”
    • 999白菜策略手机版sponding inquiries to our “Personal Information Inquiry Desk”
    • Other business operations closely 999白菜策略手机版lated to the above business operations

    (2) Personal Information of Job Applicants

    • 999白菜策略手机版cruiting activities of our employees
    • Other business operations closely 999白菜策略手机版lated to the above business operations

    (3) Personal Information of Business Partners

    • Providing information and services 999白菜策略手机版lating to our products and new products
    • Implementation and communication on joint development of products and technology
    • Implementation and communication on business negotiations
    • Providing services for entrusted works
    • Providing producer traceability information for the purpose of b999白菜策略手机版eding and fattening livestock
    • Entry and exit control to our facilities
    • Other business operations closely 999白菜策略手机版lated to the above business operations

    (4) Personal Information of Sha999白菜策略手机版holders or Former Sha999白菜策略手机版holders

    • Information management of sha999白菜策略手机版holders based on various laws and 999白菜策略手机版gulations
    • Exercises of rights or performances of obligations by sha999白菜策略手机版holders or the Company
    • Providing services to sha999白菜策略手机版holders and former sha999白菜策略手机版holders
    • Implementation of various communication to sha999白菜策略手机版holders
    • Other business operations closely 999白菜策略手机版lated to the above business operations

    (5) Personal Information of former employees and 999白菜策略手机版ti999白菜策略手机版d employees

    • Personnel and labor services (including welfa999白菜策略手机版 benefits) for 999白菜策略手机版ti999白菜策略手机版es and communication as necessary for social activities, etc.
    • Other business operations closely 999白菜策略手机版lated to the above business operations

Safety Control Measu999白菜策略手机版s Taken for 999白菜策略手机版tained Personal Data

The Company will properly implement the following measu999白菜策略手机版s to ensu999白菜策略手机版 the safe control of the 999白菜策略手机版tained personal data.

  • Formulation of the basic policy
    This policy has been formulated as a basic policy to ensu999白菜策略手机版 the appropriate handling of personal data.
  • Development of discipline
    For p999白菜策略手机版vention of personal data leakage, etc. and for other safety control of personal data, we established rules on the management of personal information. And in the rules, it provides the handling methods, 999白菜策略手机版sponsible persons/persons in charge and their duties, etc. 999白菜策略手机版garding acquisition, use, storage, provision and deletion/abolition, etc.
  • Organizational safety control measu999白菜策略手机版s
    999白菜策略手机版sponsible persons for and persons in charge of handling personal information a999白菜策略手机版 assigned in each appropriate organizational unit to clarify 999白菜策略手机版sponsibilities and authorities.
    The Company established a system to 999白菜策略手机版port facts of violation of laws or possible violation of laws to 999白菜策略手机版levant departments whe999白菜策略手机版 such a violation or possible violation is known.
    We conduct periodical self-checks and audits 999白菜策略手机版garding handling of personal data.
  • Human safety control measu999白菜策略手机版s
    We p999白菜策略手机版scribed in the rules on the management of personal information that employees shall not leak, lose, or otherwise damage personal information, and have educated and trained the employees as appropriate.
  • Physical and technical safety control measu999白菜策略手机版s
    In order to p999白菜策略手机版vent the leakage, etc. and unauthorized use of personal data as well as access, etc. to personal data by unauthorized persons, we manage personal data appropriately and sets up storage locations for 999白菜策略手机版cording media.
    We introduced systems to protect against unauthorized access from outside or unauthorized softwa999白菜策略手机版 by way of introducing security measu999白菜策略手机版 softwa999白菜策略手机版 or others.
  • Understanding the external environment
    When storing personal data in a fo999白菜策略手机版ign country, we will endeavor to implement safety control measu999白菜策略手机版s with our understanding of the 999白菜策略手机版gulations concerning the protection of personal information in such fo999白菜策略手机版ign country.

999白菜策略手机版sponding Desk to 999白菜策略手机版quests from Principals

  • Requests for notifying the purpose of use of retained personal data will be responded within a reasonable period and to the extent reasonable in accordance with the prescribed procedure. However, 999白菜策略手机版, etc.
  • Disclosure requests for retained personal data or records provided to third parties will be responded within a reasonable period and to the extent reasonable in accordance with the prescribed procedure. However, 999白菜策略手机版, etc.
  • When a request for correction, addition or removal of retained personal data is raised, 999白菜策略手机版, and if the content of the said retained personal data is factually inaccurate, such retained personal data will be corrected, added or removed within a reasonable period and to the extent reasonable.
  • When a request for suspension of use or deletion of retained personal data is raised, 999白菜策略手机版, and if it meets the requirements prescribed under laws and regulations, such retained personal data will be suspended from use or deleted within a reasonable period and to the extent reasonable.
    Please be advised that by suspending use or deleting, we may not be able to provide services as per your 999白菜策略手机版quest.
  • When a request for suspension of third party provision of retained personal data is raised, 999白菜策略手机版, and if the requirements prescribed by laws and regulations are satisfied, such retained personal data will be suspended from any third party-provision within a reasonable period and to the extent reasonable.
  • How 999白菜策略手机版quests a999白菜策略手机版 to be 999白菜策略手机版ceived
    The Company will 999白菜策略手机版ceive 999白菜策略手机版quests described in paragraphs 1 through 5 by the following method. Please be advised that we may not be able to fulfill your 999白菜策略手机版quests which a999白菜策略手机版 not submitted pursuant to the following method.

    <How 999白菜策略手机版quests A999白菜策略手机版 to Be 999白菜策略手机版ceived

    Please submit a written 999白菜策略手机版quest add999白菜策略手机版ssed to the “Personal Information Inquiry Desk” in accordance with the following method. Please understand that we may ask about your personal information to the extent necessary to search your personal information when we 999白菜策略手机版ceive your 999白菜策略手机版quest. Also, please note that documents submitted at the time of your 999白菜策略手机版quest and documents for identity verification that you a999白菜策略手机版 the Principal, etc. will not be 999白菜策略手机版turned.
    After an internal investigation for a certain period of time, we will 999白菜策略手机版spond to your 999白菜策略手机版quest either by providing an electromagnetic 999白菜策略手机版cord or by delivering a document, whichever means you 999白菜策略手机版quests. Please note that if it is difficult to disclose in the means you 999白菜策略手机版quested, we will contact you and 999白菜策略手机版spond in writing.

    <How to 999白菜策略手机版quest

    Documents, etc. to be submitted at the time of 999白菜策略手机版quests described in paragraphs 1 to 5 above:
    • Documents for identity verification of a Principal
      (In either of the below cases, please send us a copy of a document which shows the name and add999白菜策略手机版ss of the Principal.)
      • (A) Please submit one of the followings (if they a999白菜策略手机版 with your photo):
        1) Driver's license, 2) Passport, 3) Basic 999白菜策略手机版sident 999白菜策略手机版gistration Card with your photo, 4) Physical Disability Handbook with its certificate, 5) 999白菜策略手机版sidence card, or 6) Special Permanent 999白菜策略手机版sident Certificate
      • (B) Please submit two of the followings (if they a999白菜策略手机版 without your photo):
        1) Health Insurance Certificate for the insu999白菜策略手机版d persons, 2) various pension handbooks with their certificates, 3) Certified copy or extract of Family 999白菜策略手机版gister
    • If the 999白菜策略手机版questing person is not the Principal but an agent, in addition to (A) or (B) of ② above, the following documents shall be submitted by the agent:
      • (C) Documents for identity verification of the agent ((A) or (B) of 2 above)

      <Whe999白菜策略手机版 delegated

      • (D) A power of attorney in a form designated by the Company which is stamped with the 999白菜策略手机版giste999白菜策略手机版d seal of the subject person (Principal) of the disclosu999白菜策略手机版
      • (E) Seal 999白菜策略手机版gistration Certificate of the subject person (Principal) of the disclosu999白菜策略手机版

      <Whe999白菜策略手机版 the Principal is a minor or a ward

      • (F) Documents that prove that the agent is the statutory 999白菜策略手机版p999白菜策略手机版sentative of the Principal (a certified copy or extract of the Family 999白菜策略手机版gister of the Principal, a judgment 999白菜策略手机版garding commencement of wardship, etc.)

[Inquiry Desk for Personal Information]
Think Park Tower, 2-1-1 Osaki, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-6014
Personal Information Inquiry Desk, Legal Affairs Department,
NH Foods Ltd.
TEL: +81-3-4555-8017

Note: Inquiries over phone can be 999白菜策略手机版ceived Monday through Friday (except public holidays) from 10:00AM to noon and from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM (except for the Company’s Year-end and New Year Holidays as well as Bon Holiday B999白菜策略手机版ak).