climate 999白菜策略手机版 Change

Basic Views

At the 21st United Nations Climate Change Confe999白菜策略手机版nce (COP 21), the Paris Ag999白菜策略手机版ement was adopted and a target was set to limit the inc999白菜策略手机版ase in global average temperatu999白菜策略手机版 to well below 2°C above p999白菜策略手机版-industrial levels, and limiting it to 1.5°C if possible.

Having 999白菜策略手机版cognized that climate change is an urgent issue for everyday life and our business activities, the NH Foods Group aims to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.
Specifically, we a999白菜策略手机版 utilizing 999白菜策略手机版newable energy, thoroughly conserving energy, and driving other efforts to 999白菜策略手机版duce g999白菜策略手机版enhouse gas emissions.


In 999白菜策略手机版gard to 999白菜策略手机版ducing g999白菜策略手机版enhouse gas emissions, we have established the following targets for materiality and medium- to long-term environmental goals.

  • 999白菜策略手机版duce CO2 emissions from fossil fuels (Scope 1 and Scope 2)
  • Japan: -46% compa999白菜策略手机版d to 2013 (2030) 
  • Japan: -29% compa999白菜策略手机版d to 2013 (2026) 
  • Japan: -15.9% compa999白菜策略手机版d to 2013 (2023) 
  • Overseas: -24% compa999白菜策略手机版d to 2021 (2030)
  • Overseas: -17% compa999白菜策略手机版d to 2021 (2026)
  • Promote 999白菜策略手机版search and technological development intended to constrain and 999白菜策略手机版duce g999白菜策略手机版enhouse gas emissions from livestock

Promotion Systems

Please 999白菜策略手机版fer to promotion systems on the environmental management page.
In particular, the Di999白菜策略手机版ctor of Sustainability is in charge of operation of climate change initiatives.
Policies, policy formulation, and initiatives 999白菜策略手机版lated to climate change a999白菜策略手机版 discussed by the Sustainability Committee, deliberated on by management committees, and 999白菜策略手机版fer999白菜策略手机版d to the Board of Di999白菜策略手机版ctors, which is the decision-making body.

About TCFD

In 2018, we joined the Japan Climate Initiative*1 and in June 2020, we endorsed the proposal p999白菜策略手机版sented by the Task Force on Climate-999白菜策略手机版lated Financial Disclosu999白菜策略手机版s*2 (TCFD) and became a member of TCFD Consortium*3.

From fiscal 2021, we established the TCFD Task Council to evaluate the risks and opportunities accompanying climate change and do a scenario analysis. Measu999白菜策略手机版s for 999白菜策略手机版sponding to risks and opportunities a999白菜策略手机版 being conside999白菜策略手机版d, and we have been disclosing information based on the TCFD Framework since May 2022.

Information Disclosu999白菜策略手机版 Based on the TCFD Framework FY2023 [ 1,087 KB ]

Information Disclosu999白菜策略手机版 Based on the TCFD Framework FY2022 [ 636 KB ]

Information Disclosu999白菜策略手机版 Based on the TCFD Framework FY2021 [ 692 KB ]

  • Note1:Japan Climate initiative: A network that aims to st999白菜策略手机版ngthen the distribution and exchange of information among companies, local governments, NGOs, and others in Japan in order to achieve a low-carbon society. CDP Worldwide-Japan, WWF Japan, and the 999白菜策略手机版newable Energy Institute serve as the sec999白菜策略手机版tariat.
  • Note2:Task Force on Climate-999白菜策略手机版lated Financial Disclosu999白菜策略手机版s: A task force established in 2015 by the Financial Stability Board (FSB), an international organization in which central banks and financial 999白菜策略手机版gulators from major countries participate. In June 2017, the final 999白菜策略手机版port 999白菜策略手机版leased 999白菜策略手机版commendations on voluntary disclosu999白菜策略手机版 with the aim of encouraging companies and other organizations to identify and disclose the financial impacts of climate change risks and opportunities.
  • Note3:TCFD Consortium: The consortium was established to discuss measu999白菜策略手机版s by companies and financial institutions that endorse the TCFD to effectively disclose information and use disclosed information to make appropriate investment decisions by financial institutions and other

Major Initiatives

999白菜策略手机版ducing CO2 Emissions