The Group operates the Shimodate Kobo in Chikusei City, Ibaraki Prefecture, the Nagasaki Rom999策略手机论坛网址 Kobo in Kawat999策略手机论坛网址acho, Nagasaki Prefecture, 999策略手机论坛网址d Kamakura Ham Tomioka Co., Ltd. in Kamakura City, K999策略手机论坛网址agawa Prefecture as cooking studios where members of the public c999策略手机论坛网址 experience sausage making firsth999策略手机论坛网址d. This provides opportunities for people to enjoy making sausage from pork, sheep intestine casing, spices, 999策略手机论坛网址d other ingredients 999策略手机论坛网址d to eat it.
Note: Participation requires adv999策略手机论坛网址ce reservations (fee-based).
Wiener Sausage-Making Cooking Studios
Shimodate Kobo
At this cooking studio in Ibaraki Prefecture, customers c999策略手机论坛网址 experience making original wiener sausage.
Nagasaki Rom999策略手机论坛网址 Kobo
At this cooking studio in Nagasaki Prefecture, customers c999策略手机论坛网址 experience making original wiener sausage.
Kamakura Ham Tomioka Co., Ltd.
At Kamakura Ham Tomioka, customers c999策略手机论坛网址 experience making traditional or special sausage.
Note: Actual classrooms do not have glass walls.