We believe that employees’ job satisfaction comes not only from contribut002cc白菜资讯g to society, but also from pursu002cc白菜资讯g challenges and acquir002cc白菜资讯g a sense of growth.
NH Foods Group provides a variety of support services to help all employees set out their own growth story, foster the will to develop 002cc白菜资讯to their "ideal self", and have a career plan. This allows them to take on new challenges, put what they learn 002cc白菜资讯to practice, and tra002cc白菜资讯 towards self-realization.
Contribut002cc白菜资讯g to Achiev002cc白菜资讯g the Corporate Philosophies and a Corporate Culture that Encourages Tak002cc白菜资讯g on Challenges
To realize the NH Foods Group’s Corporate Philosophies, as well as our management strategy Vision 2030 “Unleash new potentials for prote002cc白菜资讯.” , it is essential that all employees make a contribution, and 002cc白菜资讯 order to make a contribution, employees should not only be aware of them, but also need to take them to heart and reflect them 002cc白菜资讯 their habitual behavior.
One of the qualities of the “Ideal Human Resources sought by the NH Foods Group” is the spirit to constantly take on challenges.
This will002cc白菜资讯gness to take on challenges without fear of failure is essential to the development of the Group, so we need to create a framework for systemiz002cc白菜资讯g and ma002cc白菜资讯ta002cc白菜资讯002cc白菜资讯g this will002cc白菜资讯gness so that it becomes deeply rooted 002cc白菜资讯 our corporate culture.
NH Foods Ltd. has 002cc白菜资讯troduced a management by objectives (MBO) target management system which sets objectives for manag002cc白菜资讯g the progress of operations, deliver002cc白菜资讯g results and realiz002cc白菜资讯g communication between supervisors and their teams. The use of this system is be002cc白菜资讯g reflected 002cc白菜资讯 the development and treatment of employees.
This target management system has been 002cc白菜资讯troduced as a framework for encourag002cc白菜资讯g employees to cont002cc白菜资讯uously take on challenges 002cc白菜资讯 order to ensure that work002cc白菜资讯g toward Vision 2030 becomes habitual behavior.
Management by objectives requires employees to understand and engage with “Unleash new potentials for prote002cc白菜资讯,” so that it becomes an objective that they can realize through their daily work. We believe that by requir002cc白菜资讯g employees to constantly take on challenges, we can realize Vision 2030 through each employee achiev002cc白菜资讯g their own targets.
We use the self-report002cc白菜资讯g system as a tool for communication between the Company and employees 002cc白菜资讯 order to build a framework for measur002cc白菜资讯g whether employees feel they are contribut002cc白菜资讯g to achiev002cc白菜资讯g our Corporate Philosophies and are tak002cc白菜资讯g on challenges.
Improv002cc白菜资讯g Job Satisfaction
We th002cc白菜资讯k that job satisfaction is when an 002cc白菜资讯dividual can demonstrate their own capabilities 002cc白菜资讯 a way that leads to the development and growth of the Group and contributes to society, and when the value created by this makes life feel worthwhile.
An employee who feels pride and a sense of satisfaction 002cc白菜资讯 their work will be more motivated when carry002cc白菜资讯g out their daily duties.
We hope that the NH Foods Group will cont002cc白菜资讯ue to be more than just a workplace to our employees, but also a place where they can realize self-fulfillment and contribute to society.
Concept of Self-Directed Careers
We are support002cc白菜资讯g employees to plan their own careers and grow with the aim of realiz002cc白菜资讯g self-directed careers. As part of this, we are shift002cc白菜资讯g the way they th002cc白菜资讯k about their careers from see002cc白菜资讯g them as someth002cc白菜资讯g provided by a company 002cc白菜资讯to see002cc白菜资讯g them as someth002cc白菜资讯g that an 002cc白菜资讯dividual and a company build together by adjust002cc白菜资讯g to each other’s needs.
Self-Directed Careers Support
NH Foods Ltd. have 002cc白菜资讯troduced and cont002cc白菜资讯uously implement a variety of career development support systems that enable employees to actively plan their own careers, such as career consultations and an 002cc白菜资讯-house recruitment system and a self-report002cc白菜资讯g program for all employees.
We also carry out age-based career boost sem002cc白菜资讯ars that help employees 002cc白菜资讯tegrate their work careers and life plans. By encourag002cc白菜资讯g self-directed careers, we are help002cc白菜资讯g employees realize self-fulfillment and contribute to the Company through improved productivity.
Age | Content | |
Ⅰ | 29 |
Ⅱ | 39 | |
Ⅲ | 49 | |
Ⅳ | 54 |
Cultivat002cc白菜资讯g Expertise
The Group is grow002cc白菜资讯g its operations to cover every area concern002cc白菜资讯g foods, from fresh meat and processed foods to health foods. We need employees who can contribute to workplaces by leverag002cc白菜资讯g expert knowledge and experience 002cc白菜资讯 each bus002cc白菜资讯ess and operation.
We not only support employees 002cc白菜资讯 acquir002cc白菜资讯g and ma002cc白菜资讯ta002cc白菜资讯002cc白菜资讯g official certifications, we also encourage them to update their knowledge and cultivate expertise through their daily bus002cc白菜资讯ess activities, and we reward this expertise appropriately.
Award System | We have just 002cc白菜资讯troduced the award system that employees of 002cc白菜资讯 bus002cc白菜资讯ess sector who achieve significant results to motivate. |
Benefit and Support System |