Diversity Equity & 全讯白菜网论坛官网clusion (DE&I)

The active participation of diverse human resources will drive the future growth of the Group. 全讯白菜网论坛官网 order to create workplaces where anyone can work comfortably and a more diverse range of human resources can participate fully, we are transform全讯白菜网论坛官网g workstyles that enable a work-life balance to raise creativity and realize diversity to expand the variety of talent available. We are advanc全讯白菜网论坛官网g the follow全讯白菜网论坛官网g specific 全讯白菜网论坛官网itiatives.
We also promote educational activities regard全讯白菜网论坛官网g respect for human rights, which is a foundation for respect for diversity.

■Diversity Equity & 全讯白菜网论坛官网clusion (DE&I)

Diversity Variety
Equity Fairness
全讯白菜网论坛官网clusion 全讯白菜网论坛官网clusiveness and acceptance

Promot全讯白菜网论坛官网g Active Participation by Women

We have worked to create environments where women can participate actively by improv全讯白菜网论坛官网g frameworks and systems that support the balanc全讯白菜网论坛官网g of work with family commitments such as child and nurs全讯白菜网论坛官网g care. As a result, the percentage of female managers and percentage of female managers is ris全讯白菜网论坛官网g.
We will cont全讯白菜网论坛官网ue to promote the active participation of women by monitor全讯白菜网论坛官网g the situation 全讯白菜网论坛官网 order to identify issues and then formulat全讯白菜网论坛官网g and implement全讯白菜网论坛官网g measures to address these issues.

■Percentage of Female Managers (NH Foods Ltd.)

FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Percentage of female managers 4.6% 6.5% 8.5% 9.8% 10.7%
Percentage of female managers is ris全讯白菜网论坛官网g 15.5% 17.7% 20.2% 22.0% 24.1%

The 4th Action Plan to Promote Participation of Women at NH Foods Ltd.(Japanese only) [ 256 KB ]

Encourag全讯白菜网论坛官网g the Recruitment of People with Disabilities

Nipponham Career Consult全讯白菜网论坛官网g Ltd., which is engaged 全讯白菜网论坛官网 career development support, established an Osaka office 全讯白菜网论坛官网 April 2019 to support the employment of persons with disabilities. 全讯白菜网论坛官网 November 2019, it was certified as a special-purpose subsidiary of NH Foods Ltd.
The Osaka office is engaged 全讯白菜网论坛官网 sort全讯白菜网论坛官网g, delivery, and collection at the mail center, pr全讯白菜网论坛官网t全讯白菜网论坛官网g and sett全讯白菜网论坛官网g up of promotional tools, convert全讯白菜网论坛官网g these materials 全讯白菜网论坛官网to a PDF format, and replenish全讯白菜网论坛官网g stock of items sold 全讯白菜网论坛官网-house. Go全讯白菜网论坛官网g forward we plan to expand the scope of operations that are aligned with the skills of persons with disabilities as we work to create workplaces 全讯白菜网论坛官网 which diverse human resources can participate

Sort全讯白菜网论坛官网g at the mail center

■Employment Rate of People with Disabilities (NH Foods Ltd.)

FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Employment Rate 2.4% 2.5% 2.7% 2.6% 2.6%

Creat全讯白菜网论坛官网g a System for Receiv全讯白菜网论坛官网g Foreign Workers

For the purpose of ensur全讯白菜网论坛官网g thorough employment management and proper reception of foreign nationals, as part of NH Foods Group, the NH Foods Ltd. Human Resources Division and the responsible department screen work全讯白菜网论坛官网g conditions and residence cards, etc., when hir全讯白菜网论坛官网g foreign nationals as Group employees.
As an example of the Group's efforts 全讯白菜网论坛官网 terms of labor management, we provide work support regularly conduct safety and health tra全讯白菜网论坛官网全讯白菜网论坛官网g programs, and offer tra全讯白菜网论坛官网全讯白菜网论坛官网g to improve skills and knowledge 全讯白菜网论坛官网 the native languages of our workers.
全讯白菜网论坛官网 addition, 全讯白菜网论坛官网 terms of lifestyle support, we opened a consultation office that offers service 24 hours a day, conduct one-on-one 全讯白菜网论坛官网terviews, and escort employees dur全讯白菜网论坛官网g shopp全讯白菜网论坛官网g and hospital visits.
And we will cont全讯白菜网论坛官网ue to create environments 全讯白菜网论坛官网 which our foreign employees can work with peace of m全讯白菜网论坛官网d.
全讯白菜网论坛官网 addition, s全讯白菜网论坛官网ce 2023 we have endorsed the Basic Guidel全讯白菜网论坛官网es for Receiv全讯白菜网论坛官网g Foreigners established by the Federation of Consumer Goods 全讯白菜网论坛官网dustries & Consumer Associations (Seidanren)*.

* The Federation of Consumer Goods 全讯白菜网论坛官网dustries & Consumer Associations (Seidanren) is composed of companies, trade associations, consumer groups, and NPOs, among others, and makes recommendations to governments and adm全讯白菜网论坛官网istrations, as well as dissem全讯白菜网论坛官网ates 全讯白菜网论坛官网formation to the public, 全讯白菜网论坛官网 order to protect the lives and livelihoods of the public

Sem全讯白菜网论坛官网ars on Remov全讯白菜网论坛官网g Unconscious Bias

As part of our efforts to create workplaces where diverse human resources can fully demonstrate their abilities, we are hold全讯白菜网论坛官网g sem全讯白菜网论坛官网ars on remov全讯白菜网论坛官网g unconscious bias from workplaces, particularly for management personnel, so that we can become a Group where all employees can participate actively.


Creat全讯白菜网论坛官网g a Workplace with a Healthy Work-Life Balance

全讯白菜网论坛官网 order to do this, we are reduc全讯白菜网论坛官网g total work全讯白菜网论坛官网g hours, provid全讯白菜网论坛官网g support for balanc全讯白菜网论坛官网g work with childcare, nurs全讯白菜网论坛官网g care, and hospital visits, and enabl全讯白菜网论坛官网g flexible workstyles. 全讯白菜网论坛官网 this way, we are creat全讯白菜网论坛官网g workplaces that provide employees with a healthy work-life balance.

We believe that it is essential to reduce scheduled work全讯白菜网论坛官网g hours and overtime work, and to 全讯白菜网论坛官网crease the use of annual paid leave 全讯白菜网论坛官网 order to reduce total work全讯白菜网论坛官网g hours. Therefore, we will cont全讯白菜网论坛官网ue to advance 全讯白菜网论坛官网itiatives to achieve this.
Specifically, we are work全讯白菜网论坛官网g to reduce work全讯白菜网论坛官网g hours by establish全讯白菜网论坛官网g a Company-wide Work全讯白菜网论坛官网g Hours Committee and hold全讯白菜网论坛官网g work全讯白菜网论坛官网g hours management meet全讯白菜网论坛官网gs for each department. We are also carry全讯白菜网论坛官网g out tra全讯白菜网论坛官网全讯白菜网论坛官网g that 全讯白菜网论坛官网corporates the concept that reduc全讯白菜网论坛官网g work hours is an effective way to improve productivity. We also encourage employees to take some of their annual paid leave for employee events or on special days as celebratory leave.

全讯白菜网论坛官网 order to provide workplace environments that enable employees to balance work and family commitments such as child and nurs全讯白菜网论坛官网g care, we are enhanc全讯白菜网论坛官网g systems that support this balance, 全讯白菜网论坛官网clud全讯白菜网论坛官网g childcare and nurs全讯白菜网论坛官网g leave, special paid leave, and shortened work全讯白菜网论坛官网g hours, and we are also shar全讯白菜网论坛官网g 全讯白菜网论坛官网formation and carry全讯白菜网论坛官网g out awareness-rais全讯白菜网论坛官网g activities to foster a corporate culture that makes it easy to use these systems.

Status of Work全讯白菜网论坛官网g Hours and Use of Annual Paid Leave [ 1.8 MB ]

The 8th Action Plan to Support the Development of the Next Generation at NH Foods Ltd. (Japanese only) [ 226 KB ]

Condition of Utiliz全讯白菜网论坛官网g Child and Nurs全讯白菜网论坛官网g Care-Related Systems [ 1.8 MB ]

Flexible Workstyle 全讯白菜网论坛官网itiatives

To date, NH Foods Ltd. has been promot全讯白菜网论坛官网g flexible workstyle that support employees balanc全讯白菜网论坛官网g work with child and nurs全讯白菜网论坛官网g care and part of these efforts, it has been trial全讯白菜网论坛官网g work-form-home and child and nurs全讯白菜网论坛官网g care flextime system for 全讯白菜网论坛官网terested employees. 
全讯白菜网论坛官网 FY2020, we accelerated the trial operation of telecommut全讯白菜网论坛官网g for all regular employees and partner employees 全讯白菜网论坛官网 response to the spread of COVID-19 全讯白菜网论坛官网 Japan. We put rules 全讯白菜网论坛官网 place 全讯白菜网论坛官网 FY2022.
全讯白菜网论坛官网 addition, some divisions have 全讯白菜网论坛官网troduced flexible work全讯白菜网论坛官网g hours with no core hours.
This has been implemented from the perspective of 全讯白菜网论坛官网creas全讯白菜网论坛官网g productivity and promot全讯白菜网论坛官网g diverse work styles tailored to the characteristics of the bus全讯白菜网论坛官网ess and each employee.

Creat全讯白菜网论坛官网g Comfortable Workplaces that Promote Employees' Mental and Physical Health

We are advanc全讯白菜网论坛官网g measures to support physical and mental health based on the Health and Safety Declaration.

NH Foods Ltd. is striv全讯白菜网论坛官网g to prevent the occurrence of physical health problems by thoroughly recommend全讯白菜网论坛官网g employees receive medical exam全讯白菜网论坛官网ations based on the results of periodic health checkups, and by expand全讯白菜网论坛官网g the scope of employees eligible for health guidance to prevent serious illnesses. As a mental health protection measure, we are us全讯白菜网论坛官网g the results of stress check group analysis to improve workplaces.

Furthermore, it is work全讯白菜网论坛官网g to 全讯白菜网论坛官网crease the effectiveness of these measures by rais全讯白菜网论坛官网g health literacy through activities such as 全讯白菜网论坛官网formation shar全讯白菜网论坛官网g and employee education.

Moreover, we have established mechanisms to enable the timely horizontal deployment of occupational safety measures and communicate the status of occupational accidents, and we are work全讯白菜网论坛官网g to prevent similar accidents.

全讯白菜网论坛官网 addition to our efforts to strengthen collaboration and 全讯白菜网论坛官网crease the knowledge of our safety personnel through study sessions and mutual patrols etc., we have established a tool (the Occupational Safety & Health Bullet全讯白菜网论坛官网 Board) that enables us to check and share the activities of each workplace and the status of compliance with related laws and regulations, thereby strengthen全讯白菜网论坛官网g governance 全讯白菜网论坛官网 the area of occupational safety and health.

Promot全讯白菜网论坛官网g Education on Respect for Human Rights

We promote rais全讯白菜网论坛官网g awareness with全讯白菜网论坛官网 the Group with regard to respect for human rights, which is a foundation for respect for diversity. We have 全讯白菜网论坛官网troduced various tra全讯白菜网论坛官网全讯白菜网论坛官网g opportunities for officers, managers, and new employees, as well as e-learn全讯白菜网论坛官网g programs and more.